Wednesday, May 08, 2024
23/09, 16:09

IBIA Mediterranean Energy & Shipping Conference

Irene Notias speaks about the geopolitical impacts on Med Energy

Irene Notias, new country manager of Global Marine Fuel trading house, SING FUELS, spoke on the 1st panel of the IBIA Mediterranean Energy & Shipping Conference, held in Malta, on Sept 14 and 15th 2022.   IBIA stands for the International Bunker Industry Association and is the 1st and only association that represents the marine fuel suppliers majors and independents and represents the industry at the IMO.
Notias stated:  I am very pleased to have participated in the panel about New Regional Dynamics : the Geopoltical events that have created a massive disruption in global oil, shipping and bunker markets. The short and long term impacts and how they have affected Turkey the Black Sea, and the Med in general.   She also attended the famous IBIA training course by Nigel Draffin on Alternative Fuels just the day before the conference started. She added: “ It was the most accurate and factual training I have had in a long time. Nigel is a treasure for the industry with all that experience and knowledge he shares.”

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