Friday, May 03, 2024
26/10, 11:10

ZeroNorth expands in the Greek shipping market

With the presence of Pelle Sommansson, Chief Operating Officer and EVP of ZeroNorth and colleagues from Denmark ZeroNorth celebrated the opening of its office in Athens in the context of the company’s expansion around the world.
The managing director of the company Mike Konstantinidis in his address said that the company provides decarbonisation solutions in shipping taking advantage of the vast experience and knowledge of its employees and its renowned clients like Marlink and Cargill. ZeroNorth employs 300 highly expertised people and serves 4.000 vessels.
The decision to establish an office in Athens lies with the company’s strategy to operate close to the customers and reflects ZeroNorth’s commitment to Greek shipping industry, the biggest maritime industry with huge expertise and talent.
In his speech Mr. Sommannsson expressed his excitement for the office opening in Athens, as he said ZeroNorth shares an ultimate vision to contribute to the green global trade and the climate change.
ZeroNorth help towards to decarbonisation and digitalization as these two challenges goes hand in hand in order to measure and analyse the various vessel’s data.
Finally, he extended his appreciation to the Greek team who will develop further the functionality and reliability of the ZeroNorth platform.
ZeroNorth as a leading technology developer with a strong foundation and support, offers a leading multi-service platform that harnesses the power of data to create insights that enable voyage, vessel and bulker optimization and inform better decision-making for stakeholders across global trade.
By blending cutting-edge data-driven technology with human expertise, the ZeroNorth platform provides solutions that are helping the global shipping industry achieve optimal commercial performance and reduce its carbon emissions.

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